ROOM 4 ROOM 5 ROOM 8 ROOM 9 ROOM 10 ROOM 11 ROOM 12 ROOM 13 __________________________________________________________________

Monday, February 25, 2013

middle school champions

It started off in 2013 when room8 was challenge room 11 on friday. We  sat there like steaming toast waiting patiently for our turn. As we heard screaming and shouting finally it come to room 8's turn.My heart pounded like kettle drums comeing towards me as  our class walked on to the feld we all went into our spot and started to play.It went on and on an on untill  it come to shooting got one Avei got one and then Ioane got one and that what exsit me alot. Our techer (Mr Taliga) did guter board one.One ball HIT then two ball hit that when every one scremming and last one was pryamund three went on bottom and two went on top and then one went right on top YAH-YOO Room 8 WINS. i will like to thank room 9 for supporting rm8 and being a great friend.thanks the end!!!!!!!

bye faith anae 26/02/13   

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